Woodblock prints
My work is a fusion of natural elements, suspended objects, and fragmented forms. I build compositions that include reflections, shadows, colour, illumination and elements of nature and work towards the qualities of colour, light, transparency and luminosity. The titles and colours reference seasonal variations. Every piece is a unique print composed of a synthesis of organic elements, suspended objects, fragmented forms, repetition, colour, and luminosity.

These works are from a series of woodblock prints inspired by my garden environment and its inhabitants as they communicate in languages that are universal. Just as my garden has grown through natural and planned processes, this work had its beginnings as a seed of an idea, and ultimately grew into conversations of their own. Every piece is a unique print composed of a synthesis of organic elements, suspended objects, fragmented forms, repetition, colour, and luminosity.


Three Graces

Layers of transparent colour form the leafy heart of these prints which are part of an ongoing series of works titled "Notables". The dates of the prints reference the birthdate of a person who has contributed to society in a noteworthy way.
"Fascinating little nodes of journalism, Brenda Malkinson's letter-sized woodblock prints are beautiful, the colours summoned through a particular meditative process." Fish Griwkowsky, Edmonton Journal, 4/10/14